Monday 21 November 2011

Lesson for today


Especially him.

Sunday 20 November 2011


Throughout the past week I've noticed that one thing has gone through my mind quite a lot. It's a line from the movie Blue Valentine. "How do you trust your feelings when they can just disappear like that?". It's something that we all dread; one day losing feelings for someone, who at that point in time, means the absolute world to us. 

My dilemma at the moment is that I don't even know how I feel about that certain someone anymore. Feelings are strange things. One moment you can feel like you and that certain someone are inseparable, like you can conquer the world, and the next you're thinking of all the reasons why you should completely disconnect yourself from them. I suppose this feeling is associated with the level of trust you feel for the person. It's funny because at times I feel like there is absolutely nothing that person would want to do wrong towards me, that we were in some ways perfect. Then there's the odd situation that makes me throw all of that positive thinking out the window. It makes me question if everything was just some petty act. It makes me realise that words are just words and promises are equivalent to absolute bullshit. Now what does one do when put in such a situation?

I am at war with myself.